Name Description Countries
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and with safeguarding the natural environment: air, water, and land.

United States

Environmental Health at USAID

In its environmental health programs, USAID aims to provide global leadership in the development of new and improved interventions to prevent illness and death associated with environmental factors, and to use innovative approaches to take these interventions to scale within the context of USAID’s field activities.

United States

Food & Water Watch

Food & Water Watch is a Washington, D.C. based non-governmental organization and consumer rights group which focuses on corporate and government accountability relating to food, water, and fishing.

Germany, United States

Practical Action

Practical Action is a development charity registered in the United Kingdom which publishes Waterlines, an international journal of appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation. Until 2005, it was known as the Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG).

Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan, United Kingdom

WaterAid America

International NGO dealing solely with water, sanitation and hygiene issues since 1981.

Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia

The EU Water Initiative

The EUWI is conceived as a catalyst and a foundation on which future action can be built to contribute to meeting the water and sanitation MDGs.


Global Water

Global Water is an international, non-profit humanitarian organization focused on creating safe water supplies, sanitation facilities and related health programs for rural villagers in developing countries.

Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Liberia, Nicaragua, Romania, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Zaire, Zimbabwe

BPD Water and Sanitation

BPD Water and Sanitation is an international cross-sector learning network focused on improving access to safe water and effective sanitation in poor communities. BPD is currently run by a small team of four full-time and one part-time staff hosted by WaterAid in London.

United Kingdom

The Land and Water Development Division

The Land and Water Development Division is concerned with the development of technology, strategy and policy, and the provision of advisory and technical services to FAO Members to ensure a more productive and efficient use of land and water resources and plant nutrients in order to meet present and future food and agriculture demands on a sustainable basis.

Barbados, Chile, Egypt, Ghana, Thailand, Tunisia, Zimbabwe

UNPD Water Governance

The Gender and Water Resource Guide has been developed to assist practitioners in mainstreaming gender within the context of integrated water resources management (IWRM). The mainstreaming of gender is critical to reach the Millennium Development Goals as well as the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. The resource guide consolidates available materials and gives a quick guide to accessing existing information.

International Office for Water

IOW is a French non-profit. Its objective is to gather public and private partners involved in water resources management and protection in France, Europe and in the world in order to set up a real partners’ network.


Global Water Partnership

The Global Water Partnership is a working partnership among all those involved in water management: government agencies, public institutions, private companies, professional organizations, multilateral development agencies and others committed to the Dublin-Rio principles.

IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

Bridging the knowledge gap and joint learning with partners for improved, low-cost water supply, sanitation and hygiene in developing countries.


London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is Britain’s national school of public health and a leading postgraduate institution in Europe for public health and tropical medicine. Part of the University of London, the London School is an internationally recognized centre of excellence in public health, international health and tropical medicine with a remarkable depth and breadth of expertise.

United Kingdom

Millenium Water Alliance

Leading U.S. based, non-governmental organizations formed the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA). The MWA is a cooperating group of U.S. humanitarian and faith-based agencies working to assist poor communities in the developing world gain access to safe water and sanitation. This mission is pursued by advocating for policies and resources, developing best practices, sharing information, and coordinating member efforts in providing clean water and sanitation services.

Ethiopia, Kenya

Millenium Project

The Millennium Project was commissioned by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2002 to recommend a concrete action plan for the world to reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people.


Rural Water Supply Network

RWSN is a global knowledge network for promoting sound practices in rural water supply. It grew out of the need to focus greater attention on the challenges in rural water supply development and to encourage cooperation and sharing of lessons learned and knowledge between governmental agencies, multilateral organisations, bilateral donors, NGOs, and private sector.

Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe

Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries

Sandec is the Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag).


United Nations Environment Programme

To provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.

Egypt, Kenya


Since its establishment, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has worked to promote sustainable water resources management practices through collaborative approaches at the national, regional and global levels. After more than 30 years, water resources management continues as a strong pillar of UNEP’s work.


United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNESCO-IHP, as the only intergovernmental programme on water sciences with a focus on freshwater in the UN system, can foster the cooperation needed to bring all players together, whether they are Member States, research institutions, universities, UN agencies, NGOs, or national or international associations.


The UNU International Network on Water, Environment and Health

The UNU International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) is a member of the U.N. University family of organisations. It was created by the UNU Governing Council in 1996 to strengthen water management capacity, particularly of developing countries, and to provide on-the-ground project support; with its core funding provided by the Government of Canada.


WaterAid UK

WaterAid is an international charity. Our mission is to overcome poverty by enabling the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.

United Kingdom

Water and Sanitation Program

The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) is a multi-donor partnership of The World Bank. Our goal is to help the poor gain sustained access to improved water supply and sanitation services (WSS).

India, Indonesia, Kenya, Peru

Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council

WSSCC focuses exclusively on those people around the world who currently lack water and sanitation, with all its policies and work aimed only to serve those people. The Collaborative Council has a special interest in sanitation and hygiene and emphasizes the need to view water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) as an inseparable trinity for development.


World Meteorological Organization

Presently, the Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (HWRP) is concerned with the assessment of the quantity and quality of water resources, both surface and groundwater, in order to meet the needs of society, to permit mitigation of water-related hazards, and to maintain or enhance the condition of the global environment. It includes standardization of various aspects of hydrological observations and the organized transfer of technologies for enabling Hydrological Services.


India Water Portal

Arghyam is a public charitable foundation setup with a personal endowment from Rohini Nilekani and working in the water sector since 2005. “Arghyam” is a Sanskrit word meaning “Offering.” Arghyam seeks to support strategic and sustainable efforts in the water sector that address basic water needs for all citizens.


Clean Water Action

Clean Water Action is a not for profit organization designed to facilitate and mobilize community efforts on both a local and national scale to protect water resources in the United States and abroad. Founded in 1972, Clean Water Action has grown to become one of the country’s largest grassroots environmental organizations, with 1.2 million members and offices in 17 states, including Florida.

United States

The Fluoride Action Network

An international coalition of activists, scientists, and medical professionals seeking to broaden public awareness of the toxicity of fluoride compounds in drinking water and the health impacts of current fluoride exposures.

United States, UK, Australia, Hungary, Canada

Charity: Water

Charity: Water is a not for profit organization dedicated to providing clean and safe drinking water to lesser developed countries. 100% of the money raised goes into direct project costs. Far from merely a fundraising organization, the charity: water is also developing multimedia projects which track the program’s efforts across the globe.

The National Resources Defense Council

The National Resources Defense Council is an environmental awareness and watchdog group founded by law students and practitioners in 1970. Today, it is comprised of leading attorneys, scholars, and policy experts dedicated to the performance and enforcement of environmental law. Their website is a veritable clearinghouse of educational literature, environmental media and scholarship, health alerts, and community activist support.

United States, China


The United Nations GEMS/Water Programme provides scientifically-sound data and information on the state and trends of global inland water quality required as a basis for the sustainable management of the world’s freshwater to support global environmental assessments and decision- making processes.
